Desert Breeze Collection
I took my Shahada in January of 2024.
It has been my journey since that has taught me about the power of modesty, of surrender, of giving it all up to God, of learning to trust and above all, to have to Faith that I am always guided.
Islam has brought me closer to witnessing the sacred that is in every moment & every fiber.
It is my prayer at Sown Of The Earth that all I do is for the Most High. That every stitch is imbued with devotion. That these garments are a reflection of my love for God & for his creation, that is all Beings and the Earth. That when worn it brings one into remembrance of their own truth & that it may guide them closer to their own personal relationship to God.
In a world of chaos, I see beauty, and I aim to highlight this beauty through authentic, hand dyed, hand crafted clothing, made in and of devotion.
I have chosen to name my first collection “Desert Breeze,” to be a reflection of the desert, the sacred space where our Prophet, peace be upon him, lived & recited the Quran.
Deeply inspired by Rumi’s poetry I aim to bring awareness to every detail, showing that every stitch, every drop of dye, has purpose, meaning & profound symbolism.
The Desert is a space of nothingness, emptiness, & it is this emptiness we aim for in our surrender unto God. To empty ourselves of all that holds us back. To purify our hearts so we may serve & love in honesty.
The process of using natural dyes & shibori design has been a reflection & lesson in surrender. You never truly know how it will turn out & throughout the creation process it has asked of me to watch the fabric & God show me what is to be made out of each piece. Trusting in how it turns out & finding the connections & beauty along the way.
The Desert as much as it is arid & full of hardship, is imbued in every grain of sand with the sacred, with whispers from the Divine.
Trials in life are here as disguised blessings. To guide us further into knowing, into uncovering the deep well within our own being. When we are faced with trials, it is an opportunity to get on our knees and pray. To strengthen our faith & to trust in where we are being guided.
It is often in the most desolate places of our being, that we find the greatest treasures within that have been covered by the fullness that is life & the material world.
This collection is an ode to that sacred space within, a mirror of what happens in the desert, a devotion to modesty & the beauty that is within the message of sacred embodiment. A surrender to all that is God & His creation.
Each piece carries profound meaning & symbolism and is highlighted with each post for the garment. Each garment is named after something from the desert & carries its own story that I believe will continue to unfold with the wearer.
May this collection be a creation that brings us all into remembrance of what it is we truly came here for.
An act of devotion, love, a surrender to all that is guiding us.
Covered in & of the fabric of Love,